A couple of random updates that didn't make it into reports this week, as well as an apology.
First, the Lake Wylie crappie spawn exploded this week. The Carolina Angler Captain Chris Nichols (704-860-7951) reports that there are now an absolute ton of (particularly males) around the banks that you can cast to. Traditional long-lining techniques just out from spawning grounds are also working, but with so many fish on the banks casting is just as good. At the same time, the creek bite for catfish has also been really good on Wylie, and Captain Rodger Taylor with Catfish ON! Guide Service (803-517-7828) reports that medium to large blues as well as some flatheads are biting well at anchor in relatively shallow water.
Second, for reasons that are unclear the migratory Santee Cooper system striped bass have still not made it to the Wateree Dam. The bait remains as thick as ever, with thousands of 4-5 inch threadfin shad just off the banks and tons of gizzard shad out just beyond them, but except for catfish and birds not much is eating them. We will continue to try to monitor this fishery. Notably fishing pressure is very light in both the Wateree and Congaree, especially for this time of year.
Finally, we apologize for the thin reports this week. Some things came up late in the week that kept us from being able to cover all the locations we like to cover, but going forward we are trying to get fishing reports underway by Tuesdays to keep this from being an issue. Thank you for patience and please accept our sincere apologies... Unless we are on vacation, we will do our best not to leave you report-less going into the weekend again!