March 21
Lake Keowee is at 97.9% of full pool and water clarity is high on the main lake – but the pollen level is also growing. After a brief cold front, morning surface water temperatures are getting back to the low-60s over most of the lake with mid-60s around the power plant again.
The bass on Lake Keowee are continuing to move into shallow water for pre-spawn and spawning activity, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that many fish are now on the bed. However, the spawn will come in waves on Keowee and will last a couple of months.
An early bite on points with a small crankbait, spinnerbait, or jerkbait is working. Soft plastics will catch fish all day in typical spawning areas such as coves, docks, and more in 4-15 feet of water. Some fish are occasionally chasing bait on the surface and a walking type bait or swimbait can be used to catch these fish - this activity will increase in the coming weeks.
Overall, fishing is very good on the lake now.

March 15
Lake Keowee is at 97.7% of full pool and water clarity is normalizing. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the low-60s over most of the lake with mid-60s around the power plant.
The bass on Lake Keowee continue to migrate into their traditional spawning locations, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that – while there are some fish on the beds – the majority are still pre-spawn. An early shallow bite on points can be found with a small crankbait or spinnerbait. A small swimbait is also working along with a jerkbait on windy shorelines. Soft plastics out to 20 feet around deeper docks and drop-offs are also productive.
Some sporadic schooling activity is occurring in pockets where the bass have cornered bait so keep a topwater bait handy if surface activity is spotted.
Overall, fishing is good and will only improve over the coming weeks.

March 8
Lake Keowee is at 98.5% of full pool and water clarity remains high on the main lake with stain in the backs of creeks – but heavy rains predicted over the weekend will like muddy the backs of major creeks. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the low-60s over most of the lake.
Water temperatures have risen fast this week, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that just as quickly fish are moving up and there are likely fish on the bed in the mid-lake region already. Expect a lot of fish to go on the bed with the next full moon.
Fish can be caught shallow on jigs, plastic worms, and crankbaits throughout the day. Swimbaits and jerkbaits are also working with windy shorelines and points being the better areas to focus. There are still some fish deeper in the creeks that have not moved up yet, but more and more fish are coming shallow p each day with the warm weather.
Overall, fishing is very good and bass can be caught on a variety of baits and techniques.

February 28
Lake Keowee is at 98.0% of full pool and water clarity remains high on the main lake with some light stain in the backs of major creeks. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the mid- to upper 50s throughout most of the lake, with low 60s found mid-lake.
Temperatures continue to climb on Lake Keowee, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that bass are becoming more active and moving shallower as a result. An early bite with a spinnerbait, squarebill crankbait, or swimbait can be found on main lake points and back in creek channels. A jerkbait will also produce off points, especially on windy days, and fishing soft plastics such as a shaky head on points in 10-20 feet is another option now.
Some fish are also still in the creek channels in 30-40 feet and can be targeted with a drop shot.
Overall, fishing is good and the bass are beginning to move quickly into a strong pre-spawn pattern.

February 22
Lake Keowee is at 98.4% of full pool and water clarity remains high on the main lake with some stain in the backs of major creeks. Morning surface water temperatures are now mostly in the mid to upper 50s, with lower 60s found north of the Hot Hole to Crowe Creek.
As water temperatures rise on Lake Keowee, N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that bass continue to transition out of their winter pattern with more movement towards the banks each day. Currently, fish can be targeted a number of ways. A swimbait or jerkbait can be used for fish suspended off points in 15-30 feet of water. Shallower fish can be targeted with soft plastics such as a shaky head out to 20 feet or so on points and around docks. Some fish are still out in deeper water and a drop shot is effective in 30 plus feet of water.
With the continued warm weather in the forecast, expect to see more movement toward the bank in the coming week.

February 17
Lake Keowee is at 98.6% of full pool and water clarity remains good on the main lake while there is some stain in the backs of major creeks. Morning surface water temperatures are in the low 60s around the nuclear plant and north for a few miles. On the south end temperatures are in the high 50s, while on the north end they are in the low 50s.
As temperatures rise N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that we are getting into one of the times of the year where Keowee really does act like three different lakes due to the variation in water temperatures.
Bass in the mid-lake are more actively roaming, up in the water column and in shallower water, while on the other two ends of the lake fish remain in a late winter pattern. Swimbaits, jerkbaits, and soft plastics out to 20 feet or so are working – fish slower in the areas with cooler water temperatures.
If the weather pattern remains warm over the next 2-3 weeks, expect to see a strong movement of fish towards the bank in the mid-lake region with some fish perhaps even going on the bed.
February 8
Lake Keowee is at 98.0% of full pool and water clarity is good on the main lake while the backs of major creeks are stained. Water temperatures in the mid-50s are common on most of the lake, temperatures in the low-60s can be found just north of the nuclear plant, and the coldest water is at the Jocassee dam.
With stable temperatures on Lake Keowee this week, N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that the fishing pattern is still largely wintertime in nature – but the warming days and longer hours of sunlight mean that some bass are beginning to move up a bit. For the wintertime pattern, a drop shot in deeper water around creek channel swings, drop-offs, and any deeper structure is working. For the shallower pattern, a swimbait, jerkbait, jig, and shaky head on points out to 30 or so feet is productive. Look for rocky areas that have been exposed to sunlight throughout the day for the best shallow bite.

February 1
Lake Keowee is at 99.1% of full pool and the creeks remain stained. Water temperatures have remained stable the past week with mid-50s common on most of the lake and some water in the low-60s mid-lake.
While many Lake Keowee bass remain in a wintertime pattern, N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that is starting to change with more fish now showing up in shallower water. For the winter fish, look in creek channels and swings in 30-50 feet of water with a drop shot or soft plastic. For the shallower fish a jig, shaky head, or Texas rig fished around deeper docks and rocky points is a good strategy. With no significant cold weather forecast over the coming weeks, expect to see more fish begin to move up.
Many tournaments are being held on the lake and 12 pounds has been a good bag with 15 pounds often winning.

January 26
Lake Keowee is at 98.8% of full pool and heavy rains again this week have the backs of major creeks stained to very stained. The main lake remains relatively clear. Water temperatures have likely hit the low of the year this past week with low 50s common on most of the lake with the highs right around 60 mid-lake. More heavy rain is expected in the next day or two.
Lake Keowee bass remain in a wintertime pattern, with N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reporting that many fish are in deep water around creek channels, ledges, and any structure on the bottom. A drop shot out to 60 plus feet is the best bet for these fish. A jerkbait or swimbait can be used for any suspended fish off points. Soft plastics such as a shaky head or a jig can be used out to 30 feet or so on points as well.

January 18
Lake Keowee is at 98.9% of full pool and heavy rains over the past week have resulted in the backs of major creeks being muddy and the main lake has some stain as well. Water temperatures over most of the lake are now in the low 50s with the exception being near the nuclear facility where they remain around 60 degrees.
Lake Keowee bass remain in a strong wintertime pattern, with N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reporting that many fish are hugging the bottom around creek channels and drop-offs. Finding areas holding schools of baitfish is key while using a dropshot or Damiki rig just off the bottom.
A swimbait or jerkbait is also working around windy points after the sun has warmed up the rocks later in the day. Soft plastics out to 30 feet will work but must be fished very slowly.
An extended period of cold weather is here through the weekend so expect the water temperature to drop a few more degrees by next week.

January 11
Lake Keowee is at 99.4% of full pool and major rainfall on Tuesday has resulted in every major creek or drain becoming muddy. The stain extends out to the main lake in some locations. Water temperatures remain in the low 50s over most of the lake. The very back of creeks are in the high 40s, with the warmest water mid-lake around 60 degrees.
Fishing has slowed with the cooler weather and the impact of recent heavy rains, but overall N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that bass remain in a winter pattern. Many are now very deep in creeks and off ledges in 60 plus feet of water. A drop shot is the most productive bait for the deeper fish.
Some fish can also be found on points in 20-35 feet of water and can be targeted with soft plastics or a jig.
In the stained water, a slow-moving crankbait is the best bet in a bright color.

January 4
Lake Keowee is at 97.6% of full pool and the backs of creeks are stained and Cane Creek is particularly stained all the way out to the main lake. Morning surface water temperatures are most commonly in the low to mid-50s, although low to mid-60s are still present near the nuclear facility.
Temperatures continue to slowly fall on Lake Keowee, and accordingly N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that bass remain in a winter pattern with a lot of fish chasing bait deep on the main lake around creek channels and drop-offs. These fish can be targeted with a drop shot, spoon, or damiki-type rig.
Some fish are suspended at times off points and can be targeted with a jerkbait, particularly on windy days.
Soft plastics in the creek channels and steep banks out to 30 feet or so can also be used – this can also be effective on long points in the same depth.
The winter-time bite has been fairly consistent this past week and no big changes are expected soon.

December 29
Lake Keowee is at 97.7% of full pool and, while water clarity remains good on the main lake, heavy rains over the past few days have resulted in the backs of major creeks becoming stained to muddy. Morning surface water temperatures are in the mid- to upper 50s over most of the lake but remain in the low 60s near the nuclear facility.
Bass remain in a winter pattern on Lake Keowee, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that fish are now located in ditches, creek channels, river swings, ledges and drop-offs. These fish can be found out to 80 feet of water with a jigging spoon, drop shot, or blade bait.
Some fish remain off points or chasing bait in deeper water and can be targeted with a jerkbait. Shallower fish on points, rock, and around deeper docks can be targeted with a jig.
With cooler weather on the way, expect the low water temperatures of the year to be present in the next 4-6 weeks.

December 21
Lake Keowee is at 97.8% of full pool and water clarity remains very high on the main lake. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the low to mid-50s over most of the lake with the warmest water mid-lake around 60 degrees.
Water temperatures have continued to fall over the lake, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that, for the most part, bass are now in a traditional winter pattern. Many fish are found in deeper water (40 plus feet) along creek channels, channel swings, and ledges. Areas with large amounts of baitfish are the best with a drop shot, spoon, or jig on the bottom.
In the mid-lake where it is warmer more fish are still shallow, and a jerkbait on points can be effective here as well.

December 8
Lake Keowee is at 99.0% of full pool and water clarity remains very high on the main lake. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the low 60s over most of the lake.
Water temperatures have fallen a bit more this week, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that many fish have moved into more traditional winter spots such as creek channels, deep drop-offs in creeks, ledges, etc. in water depths from 50-75 feet. These fish can be targeted with a drop shot, spoon, blade bait, or jig on the bottom.
Some fish can also be caught on a jerkbait off points and humps where bait is present. Sunny afternoons will have some fish pulling up around docks to take advantage of the warmer water and can be targeted with soft plastics.
Overall, fishing remains very good on the lake and it is nice to be on the water absent the wakeboard boats!

November 30
Lake Keowee is at 98.7% of full pool and water clarity is very high on the main lake. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the low 60s over most of the lake with the warmest water mid-lake near the nuclear facility.
Water temperatures have fallen more quickly this past week with the cold weather, and as a result N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that a good wave of bass have begun moving toward deeper, wintertime locations in the mouths of creeks, around deep ledges and drop-offs, and near channel swings. These fish can be caught with a drop shot, spoon, or jig in fifty plus feet of water.
Some fish are also suspended off secondary points in areas where bait is found and they can be targeted with a jerkbait or small swimbait. Finding areas holding schools of shad or blueback herring is a key to the location where these schools of bass are present.
Overall, fishing remains good on the lake as we move into winter patterns.

November 25
Lake Keowee is at 97.6% of full pool but levels continue to fluctuate significantly, and water clarity is very high on the main lake. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the mid-60s over most of the lake.
As water temperatures continue to drop N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that bass continue to move into more of a winter-time pattern with a good bite in major creeks being found in 40-60 feet of water with a drop shot or small spoon. Some bait has also migrated to the back of some creeks and sporadic schooling is taking place in areas with large quantities of bait fish. Soft plastics are still working out to 20 feet or so on secondary points and around deeper docks.
Overall, fishing remains good on the lake as we transition to winter.

November 16
Lake Keowee is at 98.0% of full pool and water clarity is normal. Morning surface water temperatures are now in the 60s over most of the lake.
Finally water temperatures are dropping, and as they slowly fall N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that a good migration of bait and spotted bass into the creeks has been the result. Less action can be found on the main lake.
There is a very good bite in 40-50 feet of water or so in most of the major creeks – look for bait and, if it is there, spotted bass will be around. A drop shot, small spoon, or swimbait can be used to target these fish. There are also some fish shallow, out to 20 feet or so, that can be targeted with soft plastics. Some sporadic schooling activity is still occurring at times so have a topwater handy.
Overall, this is an excellent time for numbers on the lake.

November 9
Lake Keowee is at 96.8% of full pool and water clarity is normal. Morning surface water temperatures are in the low 70s over most of the lake.
For yet another week water temperatures on Lake Keowee stubbornly refuse to drop into the 60s, and as a result N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that the bass are still in an early (instead of late) fall pattern. Much bait remains on the main lake, with a slow transition of bait moving into the major creeks.
An early morning bite with crankbaits and spinnerbaits on main lake points is still a good starting place. Then throughout the day fish can be caught on soft plastics out to 20 feet or so on the main lake. Also try long points with a topwater or swimbait.
In the creeks, use a drop shot or small spoon in 35 plus feet for the fish that have already arrived. Expect to see a quick migration of a lot of fish into the creeks in the next couple of weeks.
Overall, fishing is good but keep moving around until bait is found in an area.

November 2
Lake Keowee is at 97.4% of full pool and water clarity is even higher than normal. Morning surface water temperatures have dropped to about 70 degrees over most of the lake.
With the cooler weather water temperatures have really dropped on Lake Keowee, and as a result N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that the bass have started to transition into the creeks following schools of bait. This pattern should only accelerate in the coming days.
The early morning bite has diminished a bit, but first thing some fish can still be caught on a square-bill crankbait or spinnerbait on both main lake and creek points. A good topwater bite in pockets is also present early, and on the main lake you can find some fish chasing bait on top later in the morning and afternoon. They can be caught with a topwater, small spoon, or drop shot rig when they go down.
Fishing is good on the lake and should get even better over the next couple of weeks.
Finally, with low water levels Charles reminds anglers to watch out for any shallow areas and shoal markers.

October 27
Lake Keowee is at 97.3% of full pool and water clarity is normal. Morning surface water temperatures over most of the lake are still around the mid-70s.
With the warm weather this past week water temperatures have fallen only slightly on the lake, and as a result N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that the bass pattern remains in a fall transition with many fish still on the main lake feeding on schools of baitfish. These fish can be targeted early on points with topwater lures, spinnerbaits, or square-bill crankbaits.
After the sun gets up, focus on points on the main lake and the mouth of major creeks where bait is present. There has been a little more schooling activity each day and this trend will continue.
There are also some fish beginning to move into creeks and they can be targeted with a drop shot in 40-50 feet of water. Expect the transition to pick up steam next week with the cold weather forecasted to be moving in.

October 19
Lake Keowee is up to 98.5% of full pool and the main lake is clear. Morning surface water temperatures over most of the lake are now in the mid-70s.
Cooler weather is having a significant impact on water temperatures, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that as temperatures drop bass continue to be more active as we move into a more definite fall pattern.
An early bite with a square-bill crankbait or spinnerbait on points is working. Topwater lures such as a buzzbait are also producing early.
As the sun rises, the topwater bite can continue in creeks and pockets with bait present. There is still a lot of bait on the main lake and those fish can be targeted with a drop-shot rig, spoon, or topwater depending on their depth. Having the boat in 40-50' of water off main lake points has been productive for these fish.
Bait is also now starting to migrate into the major creeks and this trend will continue in the coming weeks. More surface schooling activity is being noted every day, particularly mid- to late afternoon. Have a walking bait ready at all times.
Fishing is good on the lake and should only get better over the next few weeks.

October 12
Lake Keowee is at 96.9% of full pool and the main lake is clear. Morning surface water temperatures range from about 77-80 degrees, with the coolest water in the backs of creeks and on the north end of the lake.
Water temperatures continue to slowly drop on Lake Keowee, and N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson(864-324-2065) reports that as a result fish are more active each week.
An early bite on points and wind-blown shorelines with a crankbait or topwater is working. The topwater bite is lasting longer each morning and can extend throughout the day if weather conditions are right.
Schooling activity is present at times and should become more common over the next couple of weeks.
Fish can also be targeted shallow with soft plastics as well as deep with a drop shot.

October 7
Lake Keowee is at 96.9% of full pool and the main lake is clear. Morning surface water temperatures are still about 80 degrees over most of the lake.
With the warm weather this past week, N&C Marine team member Guide Charles Townson (864-324-2065) reports that water temperatures have held pretty steady. However, cooler weather starting this weekend should result in temperatures dropping a few degrees over the next couple of weeks.
Overall, fishing is good as the spotted bass are moving into more of a fall pattern. An early bite on points and windy shorelines with a square-bill crankbait or spinnerbait is producing fish. As the sun rises a topwater bite can be found in coves and creeks where baitfish are present. This topwater bite can be extended throughout the day in areas holding bait.
Fish can also be caught on soft plastics out to 20 feet or so on points. Small 4-inch worms are working best on this pattern.
Expect the fishing to continue to improve over the coming weeks as the water cools into the mid 70s.