The newest Lake Wylie fishing report, updated July 2, can be found at: http://www.anglersheadquarters.com/ahq-insider-lake-wylie-ncsc-summer-2017-fishing-report/
June 9
Lake Wylie remains at 98.5% of full pool, and Guide and FLW fisherman Bryan New (704-421-5868) says that he has never seen the lake stay this high for this long. Water temperatures have cooled off a bit to about 78 degrees, and below Buster Boyd Bridge the lake is pretty clear. Above that it’s more stained, and above South Point Landing on the South Fork it’s dirty – with more mud on the way.
The offshore bassbite has gotten really good on Lake Wylie, and while Bryan says that they aren’t catching a ton of big fish total numbers are excellent. Because they have been out there for about a month the bite is slightly less aggressive, but catching fifty or more fish in a day is not rare.
Bass are off deep ledges, long tapering points, flats with only a little bit of a depth change, or basically any other offshore structure. Bryan is catching them in a broad range of depths from about 10-35 feet, and the fish are mostly relating to the bottom.
Throwing a big crankbait, a Greenfish Tackle Crawball football jig, or a 10-inch Charlie’s Worms Swimming Worm Texas-rigged have been Bryan’s go-to patterns. Early in the season he could catch one each cast on a crankbait, but as the fish have gotten a little more finicky he’s often had to switch to the jig and worm after picking off a few on the hard bait.
The shallow bite has not been very good, but in a tournament situation it might be worth looking for a good fish up shallow feeding on bream.