AHQ Report - Lake Russell
January 3
Lake Russell water levels have fallen fast to 474.24 (full pool is 475.00) and the main lake is clear but the backs are a little stained. Morning surface water temperatures on the main lake yesterday were 53 degrees.
December 19
Lake Russell water levels are at 474.21 (full pool is 475.00) and the main lake is clear although there may be some residual stain in the backs from last week’s rain. Morning surface water temperatures are about 55-58 degrees.
December 12
Lake Russell water levels are at 475.34 (full pool is 475.00) and the lake was clear before the rain. Morning surface water temperatures are about 58 degrees.
December 4
Lake Russell water levels are bouncing around 474.9 (full pool is 475.00) and the lake is clear. Morning surface water temperatures are down to about 59 degrees.
November 20
Lake Russell water levels are bouncing around 474.93 (full pool is 475.00) and the lake is relatively clear. Morning surface water temperatures are still about 67-68 degrees.
November 13
Lake Russell water levels are bouncing around 474.8 (full pool is 475.00) and the lake is relatively clear. Morning surface water temperatures are still about 69-70 degrees.
October 30
Lake Russell water levels are bouncing around 474.7 (full pool is 475.00) and the lake has cleared although some areas still have a brownish stain. Morning surface water temperatures are around 69-70 degrees.
October 16
Lake Russell water levels are well below full pool at 473.41 (full pool is 475.00) and most of the lake looks decent although some of the creeks got dirtier as water levels dropped – more than four feet in a short period. Morning surface water temperatures are around 72 degrees.
October 10
Lake Russell water levels are finally below full pool at 474.43 (full pool is 475.00) and most of the lake looks pretty clear again, with only a mild stain in places. Morning surface water temperatures are around 75 degrees.
October 2
Lake Russell water levels are several feet above full at 477.97 (full pool is 475.00) and the main water is stained but not muddy. Morning surface water temperatures are around 76-77 degrees.
September 26
Lake Russell water levels are at 474.40 (full pool is 475.00) and water color varies over the lake. In some places it is stained like coffee, while it’s clear in other areas, but the lake is not bubbling as much. Morning surface water temperatures are back to about 78-79 degrees.
September 19
Lake Russell water levels are bouncing around 474.0 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is fairly high, with a brownish tint, and the lake is clearly turning over. You can see it bubbling and after a few hours a boat has a layer of scum on it. Morning surface water temperatures down to about 73-74 degrees.
September 5
Lake Russell water levels are bouncing around 474.75 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is high although the water is already a little brownish as if there may be some early turnover taking place. Morning surface water temperatures down to about 79 degrees.
August 28
Lake Russell water levels are around 473.6 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is high. Morning surface water temperatures are back to about 82-83 degrees.
August 16
Lake Russell water levels are down to around 473.5 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is still normal. Morning surface water temperatures are 84 degrees on the main lake.
August 1
Lake Russell water levels are up to 474.84 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is still high. Morning surface water temperatures are about 83-84 degrees on the main lake.
July 18
Lake Russell water levels are around 474.35 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is high. Morning surface water temperatures are about 86-87 degrees on the main lake.
July 11
Lake Russell water levels are around 474.3 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is high. Morning surface water temperatures are 88 degrees on the main lake.
June 26
Lake Russell water levels are at 474.48 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is high. Morning surface water temperatures range from about 83-86 degrees.
June 12
Lake Russell water levels are down to 474.43 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is high. Morning surface water temperatures are around 81 degrees.
May 29
Lake Russell water levels are still high at 474.71 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is pretty normal. Morning surface water temperatures are up to about 80-82 degrees.
May 23
Lake Russell water levels are still high at 474.73 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity is pretty normal. Morning surface water temperatures are up to about 77 degrees.
May 15
Lake Russell water levels are still above full at 475.28 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity on the main lake is good while the very backs are muddy. Morning surface water temperatures have dropped to around 74 degrees.
May 9
Lake Russell water levels are above full at 475.09 (full pool is 475.00) and water clarity was high before two inches of rain fell last night! Morning surface water temperatures are around 75-78 degrees.